Get In Touch

Get In Touch

If you'd like to connect with Dennis's "Ma" or contribute to ShadowVibe or A Few Of Our Favorite Things, please email your comment, story, and/or image to:

If you are among the hundreds who are ticked tocked off that you had to read any of this Hot Mess Walkin', you are insincerely invited to submit your black tie formal or casually dressed complaints to Den's "Ma" at this other email that she does not read and cannot access: blahblahblah@nowhere.nada

Chelle Miko + her super cute cuke (Germany)
with Darlena (Germany)

with Darlena, Dad and Mom (Germany)
With Darlena and Dad (Germany)

with Grandpa, Gram and Darlena (Florida)
with Darlena (Germany)
with Darlena at Halloween (Germany)

In OTT loving memory of Dennis James Lord 11 (10-6-82 - 7-27-20)
